Red-Billed Leiothrix is a very common resident of the Himalayan region. This bird is binomially known as Leiothrix lutea. They belong to the family of babblers. The colorations on this bird are vivid. Bright red bill, yellow-green crown, greyish back, red markings on the wings, yellow throat, and orange breast. The tail of this bird is slightly forked. The female is duller in appearance than the male like in every other species of birds.
Red-Billed Leiothrix is found in temperate regions. They can be usually found in the very dense undergrowth of the temperate broadleaved forests. They can be found foraging for insects and other treats like other babblers.
The voice of the Red-Billed Leiothrix is a song consisting of around 15 notes, rattling sounds, and sequences of whistles.
In the Nepali language, the whole family of babblers including the laughing thrushes are in general called “Bhyakura". This name has most probably given to the birds of this family with respect to their voice. The Nepali name of this bird causes some confusion while trying to identify a particular species. Although some bird conservation societies have given standardized Nepali names to all the subspecies of birds, these names are not being used by the locals or bird enthusiasts.
यदि तपाईंसँग कुनै लेखरचना वा मूलधारका मिडियाबाट किनारीकृत मुद्दा तथा विषयहरू छन् भने हामीलाई [email protected] मा पठाउनुहोस् ।
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