All she is searching for is a place to stretch her bones,
and to be open with all her pros and cons,
A place to lengthen her smile,
Pour her heart out,
Sing dance yell and shout.
A place where she can walk free,
under the burning sun and the shadows of the tree.
Now she wants a place to rest & smile,
Cause she has been walking miles and miles
She was born out of ocean breath
As an ocean, she is vast and blue
You could just dive into her,
but you are so afraid of the depth, aren't you?
She is both, a beauty and a beast
Go see through her, not just the outside mist.
She is the same who gives birth to a cool soothing breeze,
Or to a wild flood that washes away the heavenly earth & the trees!
If u be brave enough to go onto the depth,
there are flowers and gems underneath.
Gems u have never seen,
Flowers so beautiful,
Red yellow pink and green
But can you just be?
Brave and dive into her depth and see,
See-through her flaws,
There are nothing as laws,
Break all her locks and see into the core,
U see the sparkle in her eyes
And oh there it lies,
The ultimate bliss that you are searching for
यदि तपाईंसँग कुनै लेखरचना वा मूलधारका मिडियाबाट किनारीकृत मुद्दा तथा विषयहरू छन् भने हामीलाई [email protected] मा पठाउनुहोस् ।
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